Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Cubicle World… 10 Things You Really Should Know

The cubicle world is in a universe of its own, it has rules, regulations and oddities that are strictly unique to it. You'd think that each cubicle job would be different, but no, this isn't so. Having worked in the cubicle world for many years, I am here to tell you, they are all the same. One BIG cubicle world for all.
But, let this not scare you, because it actually can be a benefit. Knowing the key issues of working in the cubicle world, you will be at an advantage in any cubicle job you may land in.

Following are 10 things to know about the cubicle world that will help you understand the strange universe you have entered.

1. Cubicles are like rooms in a community house. Your cubicle is accessible and visible to everyone, it's your private space, but anyone can walk into it and see what you are doing. A good idea is to arrange it so that when people come to visit' they don't see your computer screen. We all know that at some point in the day you'll be doing some inevitable web surfing or shopping.
2. Some cubicle worlds don't allow eating at your desk, or may equate eating a snack to taking a break. So you might want to set a little space that's hidden from passers by where you can place that little snack you're going to have mid-morning.

3. You get to decorate your cubicle however you like. Up to a point, of course. Forget about hanging posters of things like the We love Blood and Guts' heavy metal band. You can also leave behind the decorative hanging piece your kid made at school using metal cans and wooden sticks. Your place should reflect your character, but there are limits and you should appear somewhat professional.

4. That said the cubicle world never seems to run short of the workers who will stretch their decorative allowance to the limit. They will fill it with as much stuff as possible. On the other hand, though, there are those who are happy as clams with just one lone wooden figurine on a corner of their desk.

5. Just as cubicles are like rooms, your cubicle mates are your neighbors. The number of cubicle neighbor types is very large, however there are some kinds that just seem to be ever present in the cubicle world. The loud mouth, for example is one that you can always count on to reside in a cubicle near you. Even if not so near, his or her volume puts anyone within 50 feet as way too close.

6. Cubicle placement is the luck of the draw in most cases. The supervisors will usually set the seating arrangements for the cubicle workers. But, if you are lucky enough to choose yours, a better option than a window cubicle is the proximity to and view of your boss's desk or office. Being out of sight from the boss will facilitate your ability to leave your desk often throughout the day and also to come in late unnoticed in the morning or after lunch.

7. Just about every office in the cubicle world has a chatterbox'. This is a worker who cannot stop yakking; it's in their nature. Every comment you make is a chance for them to go off on a 10-20 minute explanation of last night's shopping outing with the spouse. Make sure to steer clear when they return from a trip, or they will be in your cubicle for at least an hour's worth of vacation fun.

8. Smells are a big concern in the cubicle world. While many workers may think it's safe to pass wind silently, it will not go unnoticed when the fumes spread from one cubicle to the next. The same goes for those who believe a few extra drops of perfume will delight others. What this does is force all the cubicle members to suffocate in their overpowering smell.

9. In the same way the smell travels over the cubicles, so does any diminutive noise you make. Cubicle walls are hollow and anything can be heard through them. So think twice before you make that phone call to set up an interview to work in another cubicle job that you think is better than your current one.

10. Offices in the cubicle world tend to have occasional breakfasts provided by the company. Be sure to take part in those; not only can you eat for free, but you will have an excuse for not returning that phone call to the annoying sales guy. Yes, you will have to mingle with everyone and appear enthusiastic at 9 in the morning, but you will leave a good impression and be less likely to be scrutinized as an office outcast.

There are so many more things to know in the cubicle world, but these should cover the overall spectrum of daily office items and occurances. Knowing these and using them to your advantage should make your life the cubicle world more passable and less torturous.

Be happy that you are employed, but don't give up your dreams of someday being able to leave this world and enter a less confined one. Self-employed world doesn't sound too bad, does it? But if you can't find that one, maybe the private office world can be a happier place for you. For a while, anyway.

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